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Our founder, Jo Vertigan, started in the digital space in 2001 when he was handed a business card from his boss at Sony who said “Find us a way to trade with this company, it’s an internet book seller called Amazon”. And so his digital journey began. Obidos is also a town in Brazil, a place where the Amazon river is at its narrowest and swiftest and for the geeks it was also the name of Amazon.com’s original page rendering engine.
The name, which conjured up early e-commerce as well as speed and impact, seemed appropriate to Jo as he started up the consultancy back in 2009. We think it is still appropriate. The challenge of digital has always been handling the relationship between the platform and the consumer.
That speedy and turbulent place at the mouth of the Amazon still represents the digital space where it’s the metaphorical bridge between the platform and the customer that will always signal success.